Applied Mechanics Engineering

About Department
The Applied Mechanics Department is established since establishment of this college in 1983 Jointly with Civil Engineering department. The institute has produced many eminent engineers who have contributed significantly to the work of civil engineering projects Nationwide and abroad too.

The department contributes to Mechanical, Production and Electrical engineering UG education to core- engineering subjects over and above Civil engineering subjects, related to structural analysis, Geotechnical engineering and Design of Civil Engineering Structures.

The department is enriched with a Computer Laboratory, Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering Laboratory, Concrete Technology Laboratory, Structural Analysis Laboratory, Mechanics of Solids Laboratory, Earthquake Engineering Laboratory and a departmental library. Learning is made simple through and augmented with experimentation and relevant site visits.

The department feels proud for the State of Art laboratories Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering Laboratory for Non-Convectional equipment’s, Earthquake Engineering Laboratory, Computer Laboratory equipped with design software and the department library and the knowledge centre especially focused to Earthquake Engineering and design of steel structures including the books and literature on the subjects being taught by the department.

The Department has made e-books, ASCE e-journals, NPTEL video and web courses available to the students through the institute Wi-Fi resources in entire campus including student’s hostels.

The department offers civil engineering materials testing and consultancy services in the field of geotechnical and structural engineering to the Public. Many renowned Government, private institutes and organizations have availed such services. Faculties of the department are involved in various committee of Gujarat Technological University (GTU) for enhancement / updation of syllabus and students profile.

The institutional membership of INSDAG (Institute for Steel Development Growth in India) and TIE (The Institute of Engineers, India) are availed for making its faculty members professionally updated and to maintain professional relationship with outside world; working in the relevant profession.
To be a leading program by providing excellent civil engineer capable of fulfilling the needs of industry and society.
1. To offer excellent academic environment to educate aspiring civil engineer.
2. To impart ethics and core values in civil engineer.
3. To Provide good infrastructure and industry linkage.
Programme Outcomes
1. Engineering knowledge : Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.

2. Problem analysis : Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.

3. Design/Development of solutions : Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.

4. Conduct investigations of complex problems : Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.

5. Modern tool usage : Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.

6. The engineer and society : Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.

7. Environment and sustainability : Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.

8. Ethics : Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.

9. Individual and team work : Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.

10. Communication : Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.

11. Project management and finance : Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.

12. Life-long learning : Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.

Programme Educational Objectives :

PEO 1 : To develop the ability to perceive, understand, analyse, design and comprehensive industrial and social challenges.

PEO 2 : To apply knowledge of core civil engineering in developing excel in professional skills, entrepreneurship, research with consideration of environmental sustainability.

PEO 3 : To inculcate communication skills, lifelong learning, ethics, team spirit in the students.

Programme Specific Outcomes :

PSO 1 : Able to plan, analysis, design and execution of various civil engineering projects.
PSO 2 : Able to valuate, estimate, repair, maintain and rehabilitate civil engineering structures.
1. Lab B134 - Mechanics of Solids Laboratory
2. Lab B137 - Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering Laboratory
3. Lab B138 - Concrete Technology Laboratory
4. Lab B139 - Computer Lab
5. Lab B133 - Earthquake Engineering Laboratory
6. Lab B103 - Structural Analysis Laboratory
NOTICES     [ View All ]

Poster Presentation Rule for B.E. 8th Semester Civil Engineering

Result of PAT/MST for Subject of Structural Analysis - I [2940601] [PDDC - 4th Sem. - Even: 2024-25

Result of PAT/MST for Subject of Structural Analysis - I [3140603] [B.E. - 4th Sem. - Even: 2024-25]

Notice: Regular Attendance Mandatory for BE 6th Semester Civil Engineering Students

Syllabus of PAT / MST for (3160612)/ (2960604 ) Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures-DRCS [B.E. / PDDC - 6th Semester - Civil Engineering Student]

Notice for B.E. 8th Civil for Intermediate Review of Internship Work (3180601)

Syllabus of PAT / MST for Eqrthquake Engineering [B.E. / PDDC - 6th Semester - Civil Student]

BE SEM- 6, Syllabus of PAT/MST for Foundation Engineering (3160616) of exam date 28/03/2025

Notice: Regular Attendance Mandatory for BE 6th Semester Civil Engineering Students

Notice: Low Attendance Alert for BE 4th Semester Civil Engineering Students [01/03/2025]

BE Sem 4th, Active Learning Assignment (ALA) for the Structural Analysis-I (3140603) subject EVEN (2024-2025)

Notice: Regular Attendance Mandatory for BE 6th Semester Civil Engineering Students

Syllabus of PAT / MST for Soil Mechanics- 2940605 [B.E. / PDDC - 4th Semester] exam date: 3/3/2025

B.E. 6th Sem. Civil Engineering Tutorials for (3160612) Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures

Syllabus of PAT / MST for Structural Analysis - I [B.E. / PDDC - 4th Semester - Civil Student]

Notice: Regular Attendance Mandatory for BE 6th Semester Civil Engineering Students

Notice: Regular Attendance Mandatory for BE 6th Semester Civil Engineering Students

Notice: Low Attendance Alert for BE 4th Semester Civil Engineering Students

Notification: Low Attendance Alert for BE 6th Semester Civil Engineering Students

B.E. 8th Sem. Internship Notice 2025

All Assignments Foundation Engineering for B.E. Semester - VI (EVEN 2024-25)

All Assignments Earthquake Engineering for B.E. Semester - VI (EVEN 2024-25)

All Assignments for Structural Analysis - I (3140603) for B.E. Semester - IV (EVEN 2024-25)

BE SEM 5 Concrete Technology RMST Result October 2024

BE SEM 3 RMST Result

B.E. 7th Civil RPAT Results for Design of Steel Structures

B.E. 7th Civil Results for Design of Prestressed Concrete Structures of RPAT

B.E. 7th Civil ALA for Design of Prestressed Concrete Structures

BE 7TH CIVIL ALA FOR Design of Steel Structures

BE 5 Students Notice for Extra Work

BE Sem 3, Revised Active Learning Assignment (ALA) for the Geotechnical Engineering (3130606) subject ODD (2024-2025)

4-CT Less Attendance Notice for BE - 3-23.9.24

3-CT Less Attendance Notice for BE - 3-9.9.24

2-CT Less Attendance Notice for BE - 3-26.8.24

1-CT Less Attendance Notice for BE - 3-12.8.24

0-CT Less Attendance Notice for BE - 3-29.7.24

MOS BE - 3 Less Attendance Students Extra Work

5-MOS Less Attendance Notice for BE - 3-29.7.24

4-MOS Less Attendance Notice for BE - 3-23.9.24

3-MOS Less Attendance Notice for BE - 3-12.8.24

2-MOS Less Attendance Notice for BE - 3-9.9.24

1-MOS Less Attendance Notice for BE - 3-26.8.24

BE 7TH CIVIL Design of Pre-Stressed Concrete Structures (3170624) PAT Result

BE 7TH CIVIL Design of Steel Structures (3170618) PAT Result

BE Sem 5th, Active Learning Assignment (ALA) for the Structural Analysis-II (3150614) subject ODD (2024-2025)

BE Sem 3, Active Learning Assignment (ALA) for the Geotechnical Engineering (3130606) subject ODD (2024-2025)

BE SEM-3 Mechanics of Solids MST/PAT Result of September 2024

BE SEM-5 Concrete Technology MST/PAT Result of September 2024

Intensive Teaching Class for Weak Students - SA - II [3150614] [B.E. - 5th Sem. - ODD 2024]

Result of PAT/MST for Subject of Structure Analysis - II, Professional Elective [3150614] [B.E. - 5th Sem. - ODD 2024]

Intensive Teaching Class for Weak Students - DOS [3150612] [B.E. - 5th Sem. - ODD 2024]

Result of PAT/MST for Subject of Design of Structures [3150612] [B.E. - 5th Sem. - ODD 2024]

Student Notice for Less Attendance in Structural Analysis - II Professional Elective (3150614) Up-to 10-09-2024 [B.E. - 5th Sem.]

Student Notice for Less Attendance in Structural Analysis - II Professional Elective (3150614) Up-to 30-08-2024 [B.E. - 5th Sem.]

Student Notice for Less Attendance in Design of Structures (3150612) Up-to 12-09-2024 [B.E. - 5th Sem.]

Student Notice for Less Attendance in Design of Structures (3150612) Up-to 29-08-2024 [B.E. - 5th Sem.]]

BE Civil Sem 3, Student Notice for Less Attendance in Geotechnical Engineering (3130606) Subject from 10/09/2024 to 23/9/2024

BE Civil Sem 3, Student Notice for Less Attendance in Geotechnical Engineering (3130606) Subject from 27/08/2024 to 9/9/2024

BE Civil Sem 3, Student Notice for Less Attendance in Geotechnical Engineering (3130606) Subject from 13/08/2024 to 26/08/2024

BE Civil Sem 3, Student Notice for Less Attendance in Geotechnical Engineering (3130606) Subject from 30/07/2024 to 12/08/2024

BE Civil Sem 3, Student Notice for Less Attendance in Geotechnical Engineering (3130606) Subject from 15/07/2024 to 29/07/2024


RESULT OF MID SEM EXAM PDDC SEM 7 (2024) for Retrofitting of Structures (ROS-2970602)

BE SEM 3 (2024) EXTRA LECTURE NOTICE FOR WEAK STUDENTS for Geotechnical Engineering (3130606) SUBJECT

RESULT OF MID SEM EXAM BE SEM 3 (2024) for Geotechnical Engineering (3130606), MID EXAM DATE: 17/09/2024

BE SEM 3 (2024) Syllabus for MST/RMST Geotechnical Engineering (3130606), MST Dte: 17/09/2024

PDDC SEM 3 (2024) Syllabus for MST/RMST Geotechnical Engineering (2930603), MST Dte: 03/09/2024

Extra Assignment for for Low Attendance students of B.E. 7th Civil (DPCS-3170624)

Syllabus of MST/PAT for the subject of D.O.S and S.A.-II [B.E. - 5th Semester]

Extra Assignment for Low Attendance students of B.E. 7th Civil

BE 7th Civil students are not allowed to participate in PAT

PDDC SEM 7 (2024) Syllabus for MST Retrofitting of Structures (2970602), MST Date: 03/09/2024


All Assignments for Design of Structures (3150612) for B.E. Semester - 5 (ODD 2024-25)

PDDC SEM 3 (2024) All Assignments of Geotechnical Engineering (2930603) 2024-2025



Less Attendance for B.E. 7th Civil of subject DSS and DPCS

BE SEM 3 [Laboratory Manual Geotechnical Engineering (3130606) for 2024-2025]

BE SEM 3 All Assignments of Geotechnical Engineering (3130606) 2024-2025



BE CIVIL SEM 3: Student Notice for less attendance in lecture and laboratory session of Geotechnical Engineering Subject

Less Attendance List of Structural Analysis - II [3150614]

Less Attendance List of Design of Structures [3150612]

B.E./PDCC 7th Civil Tutorials for 3170624/2970611 Design of Prestressed Concrete structures

B.E. 7th Civil Tutorials for 3170618-Design of Steel Structures

All Assignments for Structural Analysis-II (3150614) for BE SEM 5 (ODD 2024-25)


Notice for ABSENT students

Schedule of External Viva BE SEM 5th Remedial Summer 2024

Schedule of External Viva BE SEM 7th Remedial Summer 2024

Schedule of External Viva BE SEM 6th Summer 2024

2024 Summer Internship Notice for B.E. 6th Civil- Div. B

RPAT Result of BE 6th Sem. DRCS (3160612) 2024

All Assignments for the subject of Structural Analysis - I with Revised Dates (3140603) [BE 4Th Semester - Civil] EVEN 2024

Result of PAT / MST for Structural Analysis - I (2940601) [PDDC- 4th Sem. - EVEN 2024]

Result of PAT / MST for Structural Analysis - I (3140603) [B.E. - 4th Sem. - EVEN 2024]


Result of MST/PAT for Earthquake Engineering (Elective III) EVEN 2024


Syllabus of PAT / MST for Structural Analysis - I (3140603)- B.E. / PDDC - 4Th Sem.

PDDC & B. E. 6th Sem. Civil Engineering PAT/RPAT Syllabus Notice for Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures

Notice for Mid-Term Evaluation of B.E. Sem VIII Civil Engineering Students

Syllabus of MST-PAT Foundation Engineering (3160616)

Syllabus of MST-PAT Earthquake Engineering (3160621)

Tutorials for BE 6th Sem. DRCS (3160612)and PDDC 6th Sem. DRCS (2960604)

All Assignments for the subject of Structural Analysis - I (3140603) [BE 4Th Semester - Civil] EVEN 2024

BE Sem VI, Lab Manual for the subject of FE (3160616) [BE 6Th Semester - Civil] EVEN 2024

PDDC SEM IV, All Assignments for the subject of Soil Mechanics (2940605) EVEN 2024

PDDC SEM IV, Lab Manual for the subject of Soil Mechanics (2940605) EVEN 2024

All Assignments for the subject of FE(3160616) [BE 6Th Semester - Civil] EVEN 2024

All Assignments for the subject of EQE (3160621) [BE 6Th Semester - Civil] EVEN 2024

B.E. 8th Sem (3180601) Internship/Major Project Student list and Guideline



B.E. 7th Civil PAT result DPCS

B.E. 7th Civil PAT result DSS


(PDDC) 3rd Sem. Syllabus for PAT, Geotechnical engineering- 2930603

B. E. 3rd Sem. Syllabus for PAT, Geotechnical engineering- 3130606

PDDC 7TH CIVIL PAT RESULT of Design of Prestressed Concrete Structures Tutorials


B.E. VIIth Civil Engineering - Design of Steel Structures- Tutorials

B.E. /PDDC-VIIth Civil Design of Prestressed Concrete Structures Tutorials

B. E. 7th Sem. Civil Engineering PAT Syllabus Notice

Revised_Schedule of Class Test (Progressive Assessment) BE-PDDC ODD 2023

BE-CIVIL (PDDC)- SEM-3 All the Tutorials of of Geotechnical Engineering (2930603) subject,

RPAT/RMST for (BE/PDDC SEM 2,4,6) Notice EVEN 2023 OLD

Progressive Assessment Scheme for ODD 2023 (BE/PDDC SEM 3,5,7)

All the Tutorials of Geotechnical Engineering (3130606) subject, BE- CIVIL- SEM-3

All_Assignments for the subject of R.O.S. (2970602) [PDDC 7Th Semester - Civil] ODD 2023

All_Assignments for the subject of D.O.S. (2950603) [PDDC 5Th Semester - Civil] ODD 2023

All_Assignments for the subject of SA-II (3150614) [5Th Semester - Civil] ODD 2023

All_Assignments for the subject of D.O.S. (3150612) [5Th Semester - Civil]

2023 Summer Internship for B. E. 7th Semester Civil Engineering

Notice for Progressive Assessment Class Test BE - 4th Semester Student

Notice for Progressive Assessment Class Test BE - 4th Semester Student

Notice for Remedial Test BE Sem 3, 5, 7 ODD 2023

Notice for Progressive Assessment Class Test BE Sem 6

IPSC PA Notice

B. E. 8th Sem. Civil Engineering Internship notice

PDDC -4TH Civil- Assignments - [2940601] Structural Analysis - I

PDDC -6TH Civil- Tutorials- [2960604] Design of Reinforced Concrete structures

All Assignments of Structural Analysis - I (3140603) [BE-IV Semester ]

Attention BE sem 6 and PDDC sem 4 and 6 for attending regular classes

BE SEM 6th. All Assignments of Foundation Engineering (3160616)

BE SEM 6th. All Assignments of Earthquake Engineering (3160621 )

B.E. 6th Sem. Tutorial [3160612] Design of Reinforced Concrete structures

B.E. 8th Sem. GTU Inernship Project report Guideline

Tutorials of B. E. 5th Sem

B.E. 7th Sem. PAT exam

All assignments of CT_Sep-2022

All Assignment MOS_Sep-2022

Result of MST/PAT for PDDC Sem-5th, Sub: DOS (2950603)

Assignment-5Matrix Methods for SA-II (3150614) (BE SEM-5

B.E. 7th Civil tutorials of 3170618- Design of Steel Structures


PDDC -7th Civil 2970611 Tutorial


All Assignments (1 to 5), GE (3130606), BE CIVIL Sem III, (Note: Check and submit the Assignments before the Last date of submission)

Result of MST/PAT for PDDC Sem-7th, Sub: ROS (2970602)

Syllabus of Geotechnical Engineering (3130606) BE CIVIL Sem III

Laboratory Manual of Geotechnical Engineering (3130606) for BE CIVIL Sem III

Syllabus of Subject R.O.S. (2970602) MST/PAT PDDC: SEM - 7 (September - 2022)

Syllabus of Subject D.O.S. (2950603) MST/PAT PDDC: SEM - 5 (September - 2022)

Assignment-3 Slope Deflection Method (Revised)_for SA-II (3150614) (BE SEM-5)

PDDC - All Assignments for the subject of R.O.S. (2970602 ) [PDDC: 7Th Semester - Civil]

PDDC - All Assignments for the subject of D.O.S. (2950603 ) [PDDC: 5Th Semester - Civil]

All_Assignments for the subject of D.O.S. (3150612) [5Th Semester - Civil]

Assignment - 1 & 2 for the subject of S.A. - II (3150614) [5Th Semester - Civil]

Groups of Design Engineering (3150001 & 3160001) BE SEM 5th & 6th ODD/EVEN 2022-23

PDDC CT May-2022 MST Result

Schedule of External Viva for DE-II A (Summer 2022- Remedial)

PDDC CT All Assignment June 2022

DRCS(3160612) RMST MAY 2022 Result

Result of MST/PAT of Subject S.A. - I (3140603) [B.E. - 4th Semester]

Notice for BE Civil Sem-6 External Practical/Viva Schedule for D.E. - II (B) (3160001))

Notice for BE Civil Sem-8 External Vival Schedule for Internship (3180601)

Summer Internship Notice 2022 for B. E. 6th Sem.

Result of MST/PAT of Subject S.A. - I_2940601 [PDDC - 4Th Semester]

Syllabus of MST-PAT B.E. - 4th Semester [S.A.-I (3140603)] (Even - 2022)

List of Students for Elective EQE (3160621 for EVEN 2022)

List of Students for Elective FE (3160616 for EVEN 2022)

Syllabus of MST-PAT BE SEM 6th (EVEN March 2022)

Result of MST-PAT BE SEM 6th for EQE 3160621 (EVEN-April 2022)

Schedule of MST-PAT BE SEM 4th

Schedule of RMST-RPAT BE Sem 7th,5th & 3rd (ODD OLd)

Schedule of Internal Term Work Submission BE SEM 6th

Schedule of MST-PAT PDDC SEM 4th

Revised Schedule of RMST-RPAT BE SEM 6th

Schedule of MST-PAT BE Sem 6th

MST result of Soil Mechanics PDDC SEM 4

Syllabus of RMST/RPAT for B.E. - 5Th Semester (Civil) - ODD Semester


DRCS(3160612) MST April 2022 Result


B.E. 6th Sem. Civil Tutorial for 3160612 Design of Reinforced Concrete structures

Department Review-1 Result of [3180601] Internship-Major Project for B.E. 8th sem. Civil Engineering

Syllabus of MST for PDDC - 4Th Semester (Civil)

All Assignments S.A. - I (2940601) for PDDC-4Th Semester (Civil)

BE- 6 SEM MID (MST) Result of Foundation Engineering (3160616)

All Assignments S.A. - I (3140603) for BE - 4Th Semester (Civil)

Revised list for B. E. 8th Civil student for change in Faculty Mentor Name

Revised List of Design Engineering II B (3160001) for BE SEM 6th Groups WEF 16-02-22

B.E. 8th Sem. [3180601] Internship/Major Project Guideline

B.E. 8th Sem. [3180601] Internship/Major Project Notice

B.E. 8TH SEM [2180610] DSS RPAT RESULT December 2021



Notice for BE 8TH Sem. DSS [2180610] RMST-December-2021

Notice for DRCS RMST-Nov-2021

Notice for MOS RMST-Nov-2021

MOS PAT/MST Result October 2021

Notice for MOS Assignment Submissions & Syllabus for MST

B.E. 7th Civil-DIS-RPAT September-2021 RESULT

B.E. 7th Civil-DSS-RPAT September-2021 RESULT

Revised List_ABSENT in Term work SA-I_3140603 [B.E. - 4Th Semester Student]

Final List_ABSENT in Term work SA-I_3140603 [B.E. - 4Th Semester Student]

ALL_Assignment_D.o.S._STEEL PORTION 3150612 with date of Submission [B.E. - 5Th Semester]

Final List_ABSENT in Term work SA-I_3140603 [B.E. - 4Th Semester Student]

B.E. 7th Civil-DIS- [3170626 ] PAT August-2021 RESULT

Notice for RMST & Ineternal Submission of MOS (3130608)

All Assignments PDDC SEM 7th (ROS - 2970602)

B.E. 7th Civil-DSS-PAT August-2021 RESULT

MST/PAT Result of Design of Structures (2950603) [PDDC- 5th Sem Civil]

MST/PAT Result of Structural Analysis-II (3150612-Pro Ele-I) [B.E.- 5th Sem Civil] batch 2019-23

MST/PAT Result of Design of Structures (3150612) [B.E.- 5th Sem Civil]

Result of MST/PAT (2970602-ROS) PDDC 7th SEM

Schedule of External Viva Examination OLD Students(BE SEM 5,7) Summer 2021

Notice for DRCS (2170607) RPAT date

Syllabus of MST/PAT BE/PDDC SEM 5,7 (August 2021)

Schedule of MST/PAT BE/PDDC SEM 5,7 (August 2021)

Webinar on Non-Destructive Testing of Reinforced Concrete Structures on 30 July 2021

PDDC Sem-2 Concrete Technology (2920604) MST Result

Webinar on Dos and Donts in Construction Practice on 20-July-2021

BE SEM V_Elective-I (SA-II -3150614) ODD 2021 WEF 07-06-21

For B. E. 5th and 7th Sem. students

List of Groups for Design Engineering II A (3150001) (BE -CIVIL, SEM-5th)

Notice for PDDC Sem-2 Assignment Submission Last Date

PDDC Sem-2 Concrete Technology Assignment

List of Students ABSENT in Term Work Submission of Subject S.A.-I [3140603]

Summer Internship Notice for B. E. 6th Sem. Civil Engineering - Revised-2

B.E. 7TH Sem. Civil RMST Result of Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures (2170607)

Summer Internship Notice for B. E. 6th Sem. Civil Engineering - Revised-1

B.E. 8TH Sem. Civil RMST Result of Design of Steel Structure (2180610)

Revised_Schedule of External Practical/viva exam for BE-6th Semester(Civil)

Revised_Schedule of External Practical/viva exam for BE-8th Semester(Civil)

List of Groups for External Viva Summer 2021 of Design Engineering II A (3160001) (BE -CIVIL, SEM-6th)

External Practical/Viva Examination Schedule BE SEM - 6th (Summer 2021)

External Practical/Viva Examination Schedule PDDC SEM - 8th (Summer 2021)

External Practical/Viva Examination Schedule BE SEM - 8th (Summer 2021)

Schedule of term work Submission/Internal (BE & PDDC Sem-4,6,8)

B. E. 8th Civil DSS Tutorial

PDDC 8TH Civil SD-2 Tutorial

Summer Internship Notice for B. E. 6th Sem. Civil Engineering

Notice for RMST/RPAT (Old- BE & PDDC _ODD Semester 3,5,7)

Result of RMST/RPAT of Subject S.A. - I (3140603) BE - 4th SEM

B.E. 8TH Sem. Civil MST Result of Design of Steel Structure (2180610)


Result of MST/PAT of Subject S.A. - I (2940601) PDDC - 4th SEM

Result of MST/PAT of Subject S.A. - I (3140603) BE - 4th SEM

Details of PDDC Students (OLD) for RMST (Summer-2021)

All Assignments S.A. - I (3140603) for BE - 4Th Semester (Civil)

Result of MST/PAT (3160621 - EQE - Elective III) BE 6th SEM

MST-DRCS (3160612)-B.E SEM.6-March-2021-RESULT_R1

Result of MST/PAT (X80605 RRS) PDDC 8th SEM

All Assignments EQE (3160621) for BE Semester 6th (Civil)

Notice Regarding DRCS Assignment Submissions

DRCS (3160612) All Assignments 1 to 5

Syllabus of Mid Semester Evaluation (BE & PDDC SEM 8 & 6) EVEN 2021

Schedule of MST/PAT (BE & PDDC Sem 8th & 6th) March 2021

PDDC Sem-1 Assignment Submission Notice


All Assignments of RRS (X80605) PDDC 8th SEM

PDDC MOS MST/PAT February 2021 Result

PDDC MOS Syllabus for MST on 9.2.21

Notice for DSS (2180610) RPAT date

Notice for ESD (2160607) RMST Students

D to D Students MOS MST Result

List of Groups for EXTERNAL VIVA of Design Engineering II A (3150001) (BE -CIVIL, SEM-5th)

Mechanics of Solids Syllabus for MST for D to D Students

Schedule of MST/PAT for 3rd Sem (D to D Admitted Students only)

External Practical/Viva Exam Schedule BE Civil-5th Semester

External Practical/Viva Exam Schedule BE Civil-7th Semester

List of Groups for Design Engineering II A (3150001) (BE -CIVIL, SEM-5th) (Revised)

ALL Assignment of DRCS 2170607 (B.E. 7th Civil )

All Assignment DOS-2950603 (PDDC 5th SEM Civil)

Online PAT Result of DRCS (2170607) [B.E.- 7th Sem Civil]

Assignment for Structural Analysis-II in ILD

RMST Time Table (online) For Semester 4,6,8 (EVEN 2020)

RMST Time Table (online) For Semester 3,5,7 (ODD 2020-21)

MST Result of Design of Structures (3150612) [B.E.- 5th Sem Civil]

Mechanics of Solids MST September 2020 Result

Result of EQE (Dept. Elective) - 2170612 {B.E. - 7th Sem_Civil}

Result of Design of Structures-2950603 (PDDC - 5th Sem Civil)

Result of S.A.-II (Professional Elective) - 3150614 {B.E. - 5Th Sem_Civil}

Mechanics of Solids All Assignements

Syllabus of Mid Semester Evaluation (BE & PDDC SEM 7,5,3) ODD 2020

Schedule of Mid Semester Evaluation (BE & PDDC SEM 7,5,3) ODD 2020

Notic for Irregular Students

List of Groups for the Subject of Project -1 (2170003) for B.E. 7th Sem .Civil Engineering- Div.-A)

Extention-Notice for RMST PDDC-Ist SEM (Mechanical)(X11901- Strength of Materials)

Revised Notice for RMST exam for PDDC 1st Sem. - OLD STUDENTS (Civil Engg.)

Notice for RMST exam for PDDC 1st Sem. - OLD STUDENTS(Civil Engg.

Notice for RMST exam for PDDC 5th Sem. - OLD STUDENTS(Civil Engg.)

Notice for Re-Mid Exam of GTU Old Students_REMAINING (PROF PSP)

Notice for RMST exam for PDDC 2nd, 3rd and 4th SEM - OLD STUDENTS(Civil Engg.)

Notice for RMST PDDC-Ist SEM (Mechanical)(X11901- Strength of Materials)

Notice for Re-Mid Exam of GTU Old Students

Schedule of External Practical/viva exam for BE-SEM 5,6,7,8 (OLD-Remedial Students)

For B.E. 8th Sem. Civil students for DSS viva absent students list

Schedule of External Practical/viva exam for PDDC-8th Semester(Civil)

Notice for RMST of the Odd Semester of B.E. and P.D.D.C. Civil Engineering

Notice for B.E. 8th Sem. Civil for online submission.

Schedule of External Practical/viva exam for BE-6th Semester(Civil)

Schedule of External Practical/viva exam for BE-8th Semester(Civil)

PDDC-MST-Concrete Technology (2920604) Result

Result of RMST for SD-1 X60604 (PDDC - 6th Semester- Civil)

Notice RMST PDDC Semseter (2,4,6,8)

Notice RMST BE Semseter (4,6,8)

Notice for B.E. and PDDC students of Civil Engineering about Re-mid viva and submission

Result of PAT OF of DSS(2180610) [B.E 8TH SEM. Civil]

Notice for Examination Instruction

Result of MST of SD-1 (X60604) [PDDC 6TH SEM. Civil]

Assignments for B.E. 8th Sem Civil [2180610-DSS]

Assignments of Unit - 4_Structural Analysis-1 [3140603] (4TH Sem Civil Engineering)_06-04-2020

IMPORTANT: Circular @ online platform to maintain he continuity of Teaching Learning Process

Result of PAT for the Subject of FE (2180609) [B.E. - 8TH SEM]

Result of MST for the Subject of SA-I (2940601) [4TH SEM. PDDC]

Result of MST for the subject of SA-I (3140603) [$th SEM. CIVIL)

All Assignments of ESD (2160607) (RCC Portion) for 6th Sem Civil Students

Assignments of FE (2180609) for 8th Sem Civil Students

Result of MST/PAT for ESD- 2160607 (BE - 6th Semester-Civil)

Result of MST/PAT for RRS- X80605 (PDDC - 8th Semester)

Revised RMST Time Table for (BE & PDDC-3,5,7 Semester - Civil)


PDDC-SE Sem-4th Syllabus for MST/PAT

PDDC-SD-II Syllabus for MST/PAT

Active Learning Assignment (PPT) FE ( 2180609) for 8TH Sem. Civil

All assignments of CT For PDDC 2nd SEM

MST/PAT Time Table for BE/PDDC (4th,6th and 8th Semester Civil)

Active Learning Assignment (PPT) SA - 1 ( 3140603) for 4TH Sem. Civil

Syllabus of MST Structural Analysis - 1 [B.E. & PDDC - 4th Sem.]

Syllabus of MST for the subject of SD-1 (X60604) PDDC 6th Sem Civil Students

Syllabus of PAT for the subject of DSS (2180610) B.E. 8th Sem Civil Students

PDDC SD-II Assignments

Syllabus of PAT for the subject of SE (2940605) PDDC 4th Sem Civil Students

Syllabus of PAT for the FE (2180609) 8th Sem Civil Students

Syllabus of MST for the subject of RRS(X80605) PDDC 8th Sem Civil Students

Syllabus of MST for the ESD(2160607) 6th Sem Civil Students

Assignments of Unit - 3 Structural Analysis-1 [3140603] for 4th Sem Civil Students

Active Learning Assignment (PPT) ESD (2160607) for 6th Sem Civil Students

All Assignments of FE (2180609) for 8th Sem Civil Students

All Assignments of ESD (2160607) (Steel Structure) for 6th Sem Civil Students

All Assignments of RRS (X80605) for PDDC 8th Sem Civil Students

Alternate Classroom Arrangement for Semester 4,6 & 8 due to GTU Exam

Assignments of Unit - 1_2_Structural Analysis-1 [3140603] (4TH Sem Civil Engineering)_01-01-2020

External Practical Exam Schedule for Design Engineering (3,4,5,6 Semester) (

RMST/RPAT Time Table for PDDC - 1ST and 2ND Semester (OLD & New)

MST/PAT Time Table PDDC - FIRST Semester

Active Learning Assignment (PPT) for the Subject of D.M. {2150003 (5TH Sem)}

Active Learning Assignment (PPT) for the Subject of S. A. - II {2150608 (5TH Sem)}

MST/PAT Syllabus for {B.E. 3rd, 5th, 7th{ and PDDC {3rd , 6th Sem.}

Assignments of Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures [7th Sem Students]

All Assignments of Subject G.T. (3130606) [3RD Sem Students]-03-08-2019

All Assignments of Subject MOS (3130608) [3RD Sem Students]-22-07-2019

Circular for Design Engineering 2019 odd term

NOTICE: Collection of Mark-sheet/Provisional Certificate

List of Groups for the Subject of Project (2150001) (5th Sem Civil Engineering)

Formation of Groups for the Subject of Design Engineering (2150001) (5th Sem Civil Engineering)

Laboratory Manual for the subject of MOS [3130608] {3RD Sem. Civil Student}

List of Groups for the Subject of Project (2170001) (7th Sem Civil Engineering)

All Assignments of Subject SA-II (2150608) [5TH Sem Students]-03-07-2019

Project group formation for 7th semester - A division Civil

Online marks entry for Mid –Semester, Internal Evaluation and Viva in BE, PDDC for all semester SU

Schedule of Term work Submission for Semester 2 (PDDC- Civil )

Schedule of RMST Exam for Semester 2 PDDC)

Result of MST for the subject of Concrete Technology (2920604) [PDDC 2ND SEM - CIVIL]

List of Design Engineering (II B) Groups for BE 6th Sem External Viva

Revised Schedule of External Examination Design Engineering II A & B (BE Civil 6th & 5th Semester)

Schedule of BE NEW OLD (5th, 7th, 8th Semester) External Practical Exam Summer - 2019

Schedule of PDDC 8th External Practical Exam Summer - 2019

Schedule of BE 8th Semester External Practical Exam Summer - 2019

Schedule of BE 6th Semester External Practical Exam Summer - 2019

Result of MST for the subject of Concrete Technology (2140608) [BE 4TH SEM - CIVIL]

Syllabus of MST/PAT for CT April-2019 for 2nd Sem PDDC Civil Engineering

Result of MST for the subject of Soil Engineering [PDDC 4TH SEM - CIVIL]

Result of MST for the subject of Foundation Engineering [BE 8TH SEM - CIVIL]

Result of MST for the subject of Concrete Technology (X40602) [4TH SEM PDDC - CIVIL]

MST Time table for PDDC 2nd SEM Civil

Result of MST for the subject of DSS (2180610) [BE 8TH SEM - CIVIL]

Schedule of Submission for BE & PDDC 4,6 & 8 Semester

Result of RMST for the subject of EQE (X50602) [5TH SEM PDDC - CIVIL]

Revised Result of MST for the subject of SD-I (X60604) [6TH SEM PDDC - CIVIL]

Result of MST for the subject of SA-I (2140603) [BE 4TH SEM - CIVIL]

Result of MST for the subject of SD-II (X80602) [8TH SEM PDDC - CIVIL]

Result of MST for the subject of RRS (X80605) [8TH SEM PDDC - CIVIL]

Result of MST for the subject of ESD (2160607) [6TH SEM - CIVIL]

Schedule of RMST Exam for Semester 4,6 & 8 (B.E & PDDC)

All Assignments of Disaster Management (2140608) for PDDC 2ND Semester Civil Student

All Assignments of CT for PDDC 4TH Semester Civil Students

All Assignments of CT (2920604) for PDDC 2ND Semester Civil Students

Syllabus of RMST/RPAT for MOS April-2019 for BE (Civil, Mechanical & Production Engineering Departme

Syllabus of RMST/RPAT April-2019 for PDDC (ODD Semester)

Syllabus of RMST/RPAT April-2019 for BE (ODD Semester)

Syllabus of MSTPAT MarchApril-2019 for BEPDDC (4th,6th & 8th Semester)

Revised MST Exam Time Table for Semester 4,6 & 8 (B.E & PDDC)

Active Learning Assignment( ALA) for the subject of DSS (2180610) [8TH Semester Civil]

All Assisgnments of SD-II (X80602) for PDDC 8th Semester Civil Students

All Assisgnments of RRS (X80605) for PDDC 8th Semester Civil Students

Assignments of Design of Steel Structures (2180610) for BE 8th Semester Civil Students

Active Learning Assignment( ALA) for the subject of Con. Tech. (2140608) [4TH Semester Civil]

All Assignments of ESD - STEEL PORTION (2160607) [6TH Semester - Civil]

Active Learning Assignment( ALA) for the subject of FE (2180609) [8TH Semester Civil]

Assignments of Concrete Technology (2140608) 4th Sem Students

Assignments of Foundation Engineering (2180609) 8th Sem Students

Active Learning Assignment( ALA) for the subject ofESD (2160607) [6TH Semester Civil]

Active Learning Assignment( ALA) for the subject of SA - I (2140603) [4TH Semester Civil]

Academic Calender EVEN :2018 - 2019

All Assignments of ESD - RCC PORTION (2160607) [6TH Semester - Civil]

All Assignments of Structural Analysis - I (2140603) [4TH Semester - Civil]

All Class Time Table of Even Semester 2018 - 19 [PDDC - Civil]

Schedule of Term Work Submission FIRST SEM PDDC - MOS

All Assignments of MOS [2910601] - 1St Semester PDDC Civil Engineering

Schedule RMST/RPAT for PDDC [1st Sem. Civil Students]

Schedule & Syllabus of MST/PAT for PDDC [1st Sem. Civil Students]

Schedule of MST/PAT for PDDC [1st Sem. Civil Students]

Schedule of Practical Exam of DE- II (A) & (B)_Winter - 2018 [Civil Engg.]

Result of MST/PAT for the subject of MOS (21300003) [3RD Sem. Civil- D2D]

Result of MST for the subject of EQE (2170612) [7TH SEM - CIVIL]

Schedule of External Practical exam_Winter - 2018 [5TH To 8TH - Old & Even Sem.]

Result of MST for the subject of DRCS (21770607) [7TH SEM - CIVIL]

Result of MST/PAT for the subject of GTAG (2130606) [3RD Sem. Civil- D2D]

Result of MST/PAT for the subject of MOS (2130003) [3RD Sem. Mechanical - D2D]

Tutorial for Soil Mechanics (2150609) for 5TH sem Students

Active Learning Assignments of Disaster Management (2150003) for [5th Sem. Civil Students]

Celebration of Yuva Matdar Mahostav-2018 (Poster Presentation Competition)

MST/PAT Result of Subject MOS (2130003) [3RD Sem. - CIVIL Only]

Assignment - 5 for the subject of Disaster Management (2150003) [5th Sem.]

MST Result for the subject of Foundation Engineering (X50603) [PDDC-5th Sem.]

MST Result for the subject of SA-II (2150608] [5th Sem.]

Result of MST for the subject of Earthquake Engineering BE 7th Semester Students

MST Result for the subject of Disaster Management (2150003) [5th Sem.]

Result of MST for the subject of Earthquake Engineering PDDC 5th Semester Students

MST/PAT Result of Subject MOS (2130003) [3RD Sem. - Production Only]

MST/PAT Result of Subject MOS (2130003) [3RD Sem. - Mechanical Only]

Assignment-5& 6 of EQE (Remaining) for 7th semester civil Students

Submission Schedule ODD Semester - 2018 [BE and PDDC]

Schedule of RMST for BE & PDDC [MST for D2D only 3RD Sem. Students]

Schedule & Syllabus of RMST for Strength of Materials (X11901, PDDC-Mechanical)

Schedule & Syllabus of RMST for EVEN Sem. Subjects (PDDC - Civil)

Schedule & Syllabus of RMST for EVEN Sem. Subjects (OLD/NEW - BE_Civil)

Assignment - 5 MOS (2130003) for 3RD Sem.-CIVIL ONLY.

Assignments - 3&4 -MOS (2130003) for 3RD Sem.-CIVIL ONLY.

Assignments - 5&6 -MOS (2130003) for 3RD Sem.-Mechanical & Production Stdent.

MST/PAT Result of Subject GTAG (2130606) [3RD Sem. BE -Civil]

Active Learning Assignments of MOS (2130003 ) for [3RD Sem. Production Students]

Active Learning Assignments of MOS (2130003 ) for [3RD Sem. Mechanical Students]

Active Learning Assignments of MOS (2130003 ) for [3RD Sem. Civil Students]

Assignments - 3 & 4 OF DISASTER MANAGEMENT (2150003) for 5TH Sem Civil Students

MST/PAT Result of Subject SA - II (X30603) [3RD Sem. PDDC -Civil]

Assignments - 5 To 8 OF GTAG (2130606) for 3RD Semester Civil Students

Assignments - 3 & 4 OF GTAG (2130606) for 3RD Semester Civil Students

Assignments - 1 & 2 OF GTAG (2130606) for 3RD Semester Civil Students

Active Learning Assignments of GTAG (2130606 ) for [3RD Sem. Civil Students]

Active Learning Assignments of S.A. - II (2150608) for [5th Sem. Civil Students]

All Assisgnments of Earthquake Engineering (X50602) for PDDC 5th Semester Civil Students

Submission of Active learning Assisgnment(PPT) of EQE for 7th semester civil students

Submission of Active learning Assisgnment(PPT) of DRCS for 7th semester civil students

Syllabus of MST/PAT August-2018 for BE/PDDC (3rd,5th & 7th Semester)

Assignment of Disaster Management (5th Semester Students)

Assignment of SA - II [X30603] (PDDC 3RD Semester Students Only)

Assignments of MOS for Progressive Assessment [Production Students Only]

Assignments of Earthquake Engineering for Progressive Assessment [Civil Students Only]

Assignments of MOS for Progressive Assessment [Mechanical Students Only]

Assignments of MOS for Progressive Assessment [Civil Students Only]

Assignments of SA- II for Progressive Assessment

Assignment for the subject of DRCS [7TH Semester Students]

IMPORTANT NOTICE: - Scheme of Progressive Assessment for Students of Civil

Manual of Mechanics of Solids [2130003]

Design Engineering -II (A) Group list (5Th Semester Students)

Project Group (A - Division only)

Schedule of External Practical Exam of DE II(B)[6th Sem Civil]

Schedule of External Practical Exam for SIXTH Semester Civil Students

Schedule of External Practical Exam for EIGHT Semester Civil Students

Result of RMST for the Subject of Earthquake Engineering - X50602 [5Th - PDDC]

Result of RMST for the Subject of Earthquake Engineering - X50602 [5Th - PDDC]

Result of RMST for the Subject of DRCS-2170607 [7TH Sem(Odd Sem.)]

Result of RMST for the Subject of 2180610 - D.S.S. [8TH Sem ]

Result of MST for the Subject of Structural Design - II (X80602) [8TH Sem - PDDC]

Active Learning Assignment (PPT) for the Subject of DSS (2180610) (8Th Sem.)

Result of MST for the Subject of Concrete Technology (2140608) [4th Sem]

Result of MST for the Subject of DSS (2180610) [8TH Sem]

Important Notice :Project Exhibition (8th Sem)

Result of MST for the Subject of Foundation Engg. (2180609) [8th Sem]

Assignment for the subject of Soil Engg. (X40603) [PDDC - 4th Sem.]

Schedule of Term Work Submission for all Semester [B.E. & PDDC]

Result of MST for the Subject of SA-I (2140603) [Forth Sem]

Result of MST for the Subject of S.D.-I (X60604) [PDDC - Sixth Sem.]

Result of MST for the Subject of Soil Engg. (X40603) [PDDC - Forth Sem.]

Result of MST for the Subject of ESD (2160607) [Sixth Semester]

Schedule of RMST/RPAT for ODD Semester Subjects [April - 2018]

Schedule of RMST/RPAT for PDDC [April - 2018]

Schedule of RMST/RPAT for BE April - 2018

Result of MST for PDDC SECOND SEM. SA - I (X20603)

Revised Syllabus of Foundation Engg. (2180609)[8Th Sem.]

Active Learning Assignment (PPT) for the Subject of Concrete Tech.-2140608 (4Th Sem.)

Active Learning Assignment (PPT) for the Subject of Foundation Engineering (2180609) (8TH Sem


Syllabus of MST/PAT for BE & PDDC (4th, 6th & 8th semesters)

Schedule of MST/PAT for BE & PDDC (4th, 6th & 8th semesters)

Tutorial of Foundation Engineering (2180609) [B.E. 8th Semester Civil Engg.]

Tutorial of Concrete Technology (2140608) [B.E. 4th Semester Civil Engg.]

Tutorial for the subject of Design of Steel Structures (2180610) [B.E.-8th Sem.]

Active Learning Assignment (PPT) for the Subject of S. A. - I (2140603) (4TH Sem Students)

Distribution of Certificate for Bridge Course (2016 - Entry only)

Assignment for the subject of ESD (2160607) [STEEL PORTION - 6Th Semester]

Active Learning Assignment (PPT) for the Subject of Elementary Structural Design - 2160607 (6TH Sem

IMPORTANT NOTICE @ Progressive Assessment (PA) for the AY 2018-19

Assignment: Structural Design - I (X60604)[6TH Sem. PDDC Students]

Assignment for the subject of Structural Analysis - I [Only Four Chapters - 4Th Semester Students]

Academic Calendar 2017-2018 [EVEN Term] announced by Gujarat Technological University, Ahmedabad

Assignment for the subject of Elementary Structural Design [R.C.C. PORTION - 6Th Semester Students]

Schedule of Portal for Design Engineering [4th-6th SEMESTER STUDENT] AY 2017-18

Shantilal Shah Engineering College, Sidsar Campus, Bhavnagar