Notices from Applied Mechanics Engineering

Poster Presentation Rule for B.E. 8th Semester Civil Engineering28/03/2025Download
Result of PAT/MST for Subject of Structural Analysis - I [2940601] [PDDC - 4th Sem. - Even: 2024-2517/03/2025Download
Result of PAT/MST for Subject of Structural Analysis - I [3140603] [B.E. - 4th Sem. - Even: 2024-25]17/03/2025Download
Notice: Regular Attendance Mandatory for BE 6th Semester Civil Engineering Students15/03/2025Download
Syllabus of PAT / MST for (3160612)/ (2960604 ) Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures-DRCS [B.E. / PDDC - 6th Semester - Civil Engineering Student]13/03/2025Download
Notice for B.E. 8th Civil for Intermediate Review of Internship Work (3180601)13/03/2025Download
Syllabus of PAT / MST for Eqrthquake Engineering [B.E. / PDDC - 6th Semester - Civil Student]10/03/2025Download
BE SEM- 6, Syllabus of PAT/MST for Foundation Engineering (3160616) of exam date 28/03/202510/03/2025Download
Notice: Regular Attendance Mandatory for BE 6th Semester Civil Engineering Students07/03/2025Download
Notice: Low Attendance Alert for BE 4th Semester Civil Engineering Students [01/03/2025]03/03/2025Download
BE Sem 4th, Active Learning Assignment (ALA) for the Structural Analysis-I (3140603) subject EVEN (2024-2025)03/03/2025Download
Notice: Regular Attendance Mandatory for BE 6th Semester Civil Engineering Students28/02/2025Download
Syllabus of PAT / MST for Soil Mechanics- 2940605 [B.E. / PDDC - 4th Semester] exam date: 3/3/202525/02/2025Download
B.E. 6th Sem. Civil Engineering Tutorials for (3160612) Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures25/02/2025Download
Syllabus of PAT / MST for Structural Analysis - I [B.E. / PDDC - 4th Semester - Civil Student]25/02/2025Download
Notice: Regular Attendance Mandatory for BE 6th Semester Civil Engineering Students21/02/2025Download
Notice: Regular Attendance Mandatory for BE 6th Semester Civil Engineering Students15/02/2025Download
Notice: Low Attendance Alert for BE 4th Semester Civil Engineering Students10/02/2025Download
Notification: Low Attendance Alert for BE 6th Semester Civil Engineering Students07/02/2025Download
B.E. 8th Sem. Internship Notice 202504/02/2025Download
All Assignments Foundation Engineering for B.E. Semester - VI (EVEN 2024-25) 23/01/2025Download
All Assignments Earthquake Engineering for B.E. Semester - VI (EVEN 2024-25)22/01/2025Download
All Assignments for Structural Analysis - I (3140603) for B.E. Semester - IV (EVEN 2024-25)09/01/2025Download
BE SEM 5 Concrete Technology RMST Result October 202426/10/2024Download
BE SEM 3 RMST Result26/10/2024Download
B.E. 7th Civil RPAT Results for Design of Steel Structures24/10/2024Download
B.E. 7th Civil Results for Design of Prestressed Concrete Structures of RPAT23/10/2024Download
B.E. 7th Civil ALA for Design of Prestressed Concrete Structures18/10/2024Download
BE 7TH CIVIL ALA FOR Design of Steel Structures18/10/2024Download
BE 5 Students Notice for Extra Work16/10/2024Download
BE Sem 3, Revised Active Learning Assignment (ALA) for the Geotechnical Engineering (3130606) subject ODD (2024-2025)22/07/2024Download
4-CT Less Attendance Notice for BE - 3-23.9.2423/09/2024Download
3-CT Less Attendance Notice for BE - 3-9.9.2403/09/2024Download
2-CT Less Attendance Notice for BE - 3-26.8.2426/08/2024Download
1-CT Less Attendance Notice for BE - 3-12.8.2412/08/2024Download
0-CT Less Attendance Notice for BE - 3-29.7.2429/07/2024Download
MOS BE - 3 Less Attendance Students Extra Work17/09/2024Download
5-MOS Less Attendance Notice for BE - 3-29.7.2429/07/2024Download
4-MOS Less Attendance Notice for BE - 3-23.9.2423/09/2024Download
3-MOS Less Attendance Notice for BE - 3-12.8.2412/08/2024Download
2-MOS Less Attendance Notice for BE - 3-9.9.2409/09/2024Download
1-MOS Less Attendance Notice for BE - 3-26.8.2426/08/2024Download
BE 7TH CIVIL Design of Pre-Stressed Concrete Structures (3170624) PAT Result06/10/2024Download
BE 7TH CIVIL Design of Steel Structures (3170618) PAT Result06/10/2024Download
BE Sem 5th, Active Learning Assignment (ALA) for the Structural Analysis-II (3150614) subject ODD (2024-2025)03/10/2024Download
BE Sem 3, Active Learning Assignment (ALA) for the Geotechnical Engineering (3130606) subject ODD (2024-2025)22/07/2024Download
BE SEM-3 Mechanics of Solids MST/PAT Result of September 202403/10/2024Download
BE SEM-5 Concrete Technology MST/PAT Result of September 202404/10/2024Download
Intensive Teaching Class for Weak Students - SA - II [3150614] [B.E. - 5th Sem. - ODD 2024]01/10/2024Download
Result of PAT/MST for Subject of Structure Analysis - II, Professional Elective [3150614] [B.E. - 5th Sem. - ODD 2024]01/10/2024Download
Intensive Teaching Class for Weak Students - DOS [3150612] [B.E. - 5th Sem. - ODD 2024]01/10/2024Download
Result of PAT/MST for Subject of Design of Structures [3150612] [B.E. - 5th Sem. - ODD 2024]01/10/2024Download
Student Notice for Less Attendance in Structural Analysis - II Professional Elective (3150614) Up-to 10-09-2024 [B.E. - 5th Sem.]10/09/2024Download
Student Notice for Less Attendance in Structural Analysis - II Professional Elective (3150614) Up-to 30-08-2024 [B.E. - 5th Sem.]30/08/2024Download
Student Notice for Less Attendance in Design of Structures (3150612) Up-to 12-09-2024 [B.E. - 5th Sem.]12/09/2024Download
Student Notice for Less Attendance in Design of Structures (3150612) Up-to 29-08-2024 [B.E. - 5th Sem.]]29/08/2024Download
BE Civil Sem 3, Student Notice for Less Attendance in Geotechnical Engineering (3130606) Subject from 10/09/2024 to 23/9/202423/09/2024Download
BE Civil Sem 3, Student Notice for Less Attendance in Geotechnical Engineering (3130606) Subject from 27/08/2024 to 9/9/202409/09/2024Download
BE Civil Sem 3, Student Notice for Less Attendance in Geotechnical Engineering (3130606) Subject from 13/08/2024 to 26/08/202426/08/2024Download
BE Civil Sem 3, Student Notice for Less Attendance in Geotechnical Engineering (3130606) Subject from 30/07/2024 to 12/08/202412/08/2024Download
BE Civil Sem 3, Student Notice for Less Attendance in Geotechnical Engineering (3130606) Subject from 15/07/2024 to 29/07/202429/07/2024Download
RESULT OF MID SEM EXAM PDDC SEM 7 (2024) for Retrofitting of Structures (ROS-2970602)20/09/2024Download
BE SEM 3 (2024) EXTRA LECTURE NOTICE FOR WEAK STUDENTS for Geotechnical Engineering (3130606) SUBJECT18/09/2024Download
RESULT OF MID SEM EXAM BE SEM 3 (2024) for Geotechnical Engineering (3130606), MID EXAM DATE: 17/09/202418/09/2024Download
BE SEM 3 (2024) Syllabus for MST/RMST Geotechnical Engineering (3130606), MST Dte: 17/09/202404/09/2024Download
PDDC SEM 3 (2024) Syllabus for MST/RMST Geotechnical Engineering (2930603), MST Dte: 03/09/202403/08/2024Download
Extra Assignment for for Low Attendance students of B.E. 7th Civil (DPCS-3170624) 11/09/2024Download
Syllabus of MST/PAT for the subject of D.O.S and S.A.-II [B.E. - 5th Semester]09/09/2024Download
Extra Assignment for Low Attendance students of B.E. 7th Civil05/09/2024Download
BE 7th Civil students are not allowed to participate in PAT04/09/2024Download
PDDC SEM 7 (2024) Syllabus for MST Retrofitting of Structures (2970602), MST Date: 03/09/202422/08/2024Download
All Assignments for Design of Structures (3150612) for B.E. Semester - 5 (ODD 2024-25)29/07/2024Download
PDDC SEM 3 (2024) All Assignments of Geotechnical Engineering (2930603) 2024-202515/07/2024Download
Less Attendance for B.E. 7th Civil of subject DSS and DPCS 17/08/2024Download
BE SEM 3 [Laboratory Manual Geotechnical Engineering (3130606) for 2024-2025]16/07/2024Download
BE SEM 3 All Assignments of Geotechnical Engineering (3130606) 2024-202522/07/2024Download
B.E. 7TH CIVIL PAT SYLLABUS 09/08/2024Download
BE CIVIL SEM 3: Student Notice for less attendance in lecture and laboratory session of Geotechnical Engineering Subject09/08/2024Download
Less Attendance List of Structural Analysis - II [3150614]09/08/2024Download
Less Attendance List of Design of Structures [3150612]09/08/2024Download
B.E./PDCC 7th Civil Tutorials for 3170624/2970611 Design of Prestressed Concrete structures07/08/2024Download
B.E. 7th Civil Tutorials for 3170618-Design of Steel Structures07/08/2024Download
All Assignments for Structural Analysis-II (3150614) for BE SEM 5 (ODD 2024-25)31/07/2024Download
Notice for ABSENT students20/07/2024Download
Schedule of External Viva BE SEM 5th Remedial Summer 202405/06/2024Download
Schedule of External Viva BE SEM 7th Remedial Summer 202405/06/2024Download
Schedule of External Viva BE SEM 6th Summer 202405/06/2024Download
2024 Summer Internship Notice for B.E. 6th Civil- Div. B06/06/2024Download
RPAT Result of BE 6th Sem. DRCS (3160612) 202422/04/2024Download
All Assignments for the subject of Structural Analysis - I with Revised Dates (3140603) [BE 4Th Semester - Civil] EVEN 202418/04/2024Download
Result of PAT / MST for Structural Analysis - I (2940601) [PDDC- 4th Sem. - EVEN 2024]15/04/2024Download
Result of PAT / MST for Structural Analysis - I (3140603) [B.E. - 4th Sem. - EVEN 2024]15/04/2024Download
PDDC SEM. IV, PAT SYLLABUS SOIL MECHANICS (2940605)27/03/2024Download
Result of MST/PAT for Earthquake Engineering (Elective III) EVEN 202427/03/2024Download
PAT RESULT OF FOUNDATION ENGINEERING (3160616) EXAM DATE: 21/03/202427/03/2024Download
Syllabus of PAT / MST for Structural Analysis - I (3140603)- B.E. / PDDC - 4Th Sem.26/03/2024Download
PDDC & B. E. 6th Sem. Civil Engineering PAT/RPAT Syllabus Notice for Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures11/03/2024Download
Notice for Mid-Term Evaluation of B.E. Sem VIII Civil Engineering Students05/03/2024Download
Syllabus of MST-PAT Foundation Engineering (3160616)02/03/2024Download
Syllabus of MST-PAT Earthquake Engineering (3160621)01/03/2024Download
Tutorials for BE 6th Sem. DRCS (3160612)and PDDC 6th Sem. DRCS (2960604)19/02/2024Download
All Assignments for the subject of Structural Analysis - I (3140603) [BE 4Th Semester - Civil] EVEN 202406/02/2024Download
BE Sem VI, Lab Manual for the subject of FE (3160616) [BE 6Th Semester - Civil] EVEN 202401/02/2024Download
PDDC SEM IV, All Assignments for the subject of Soil Mechanics (2940605) EVEN 202401/02/2024Download
PDDC SEM IV, Lab Manual for the subject of Soil Mechanics (2940605) EVEN 202401/02/2024Download
All Assignments for the subject of FE(3160616) [BE 6Th Semester - Civil] EVEN 202430/01/2024Download
All Assignments for the subject of EQE (3160621) [BE 6Th Semester - Civil] EVEN 202430/01/2024Download
B.E. 8th Sem (3180601) Internship/Major Project Student list and Guideline09/01/2024Download
B.E. 7th Civil PAT result DPCS12/12/2023Download
B.E. 7th Civil PAT result DSS12/12/2023Download
BE SEM 3 AND PDDC SEM 3 PAT SCHEDULE NOTICE 202309/11/2023Download
(PDDC) 3rd Sem. Syllabus for PAT, Geotechnical engineering- 293060304/12/2023Download
B. E. 3rd Sem. Syllabus for PAT, Geotechnical engineering- 313060604/12/2023Download
PDDC 7TH CIVIL PAT RESULT of Design of Prestressed Concrete Structures Tutorials06/11/2023Download
B.E. VIIth Civil Engineering - Design of Steel Structures- Tutorials25/10/2023Download
B.E. /PDDC-VIIth Civil Design of Prestressed Concrete Structures Tutorials25/10/2023Download
B. E. 7th Sem. Civil Engineering PAT Syllabus Notice12/10/2023Download
Revised_Schedule of Class Test (Progressive Assessment) BE-PDDC ODD 202310/10/2023Download
BE-CIVIL (PDDC)- SEM-3 All the Tutorials of of Geotechnical Engineering (2930603) subject, 04/10/2023Download
RPAT/RMST for (BE/PDDC SEM 2,4,6) Notice EVEN 2023 OLD29/09/2023Download
Progressive Assessment Scheme for ODD 2023 (BE/PDDC SEM 3,5,7)29/09/2023Download
All the Tutorials of Geotechnical Engineering (3130606) subject, BE- CIVIL- SEM-326/09/2023Download
All_Assignments for the subject of R.O.S. (2970602) [PDDC 7Th Semester - Civil] ODD 202304/09/2023Download
All_Assignments for the subject of D.O.S. (2950603) [PDDC 5Th Semester - Civil] ODD 202304/09/2023Download
All_Assignments for the subject of SA-II (3150614) [5Th Semester - Civil] ODD 202310/08/2023Download
All_Assignments for the subject of D.O.S. (3150612) [5Th Semester - Civil]08/08/2023Download
2023 Summer Internship for B. E. 7th Semester Civil Engineering27/07/2023Download
Notice for Progressive Assessment Class Test BE - 4th Semester Student20/06/2023Download
Notice for Progressive Assessment Class Test BE - 4th Semester Student20/06/2023Download
Notice for Remedial Test BE Sem 3, 5, 7 ODD 202311/05/2023Download
Notice for Progressive Assessment Class Test BE Sem 611/05/2023Download
IPSC PA Notice19/04/2023Download
B. E. 8th Sem. Civil Engineering Internship notice15/04/2023Download
PDDC -4TH Civil- Assignments - [2940601] Structural Analysis - I31/03/2023Download
PDDC -6TH Civil- Tutorials- [2960604] Design of Reinforced Concrete structures21/03/2023Download
All Assignments of Structural Analysis - I (3140603) [BE-IV Semester ]15/03/2023Download
Attention BE sem 6 and PDDC sem 4 and 6 for attending regular classes14/02/2023Download
BE SEM 6th. All Assignments of Foundation Engineering (3160616)09/02/2023Download
BE SEM 6th. All Assignments of Earthquake Engineering (3160621 )07/02/2023Download
B.E. 6th Sem. Tutorial [3160612] Design of Reinforced Concrete structures07/02/2023Download
B.E. 8th Sem. GTU Inernship Project report Guideline03/02/2023Download
Tutorials of B. E. 5th Sem17/11/2022Download
B.E. 7th Sem. PAT exam10/11/2022Download
All assignments of CT_Sep-202221/10/2022Download
All Assignment MOS_Sep-202221/10/2022Download
Result of MST/PAT for PDDC Sem-5th, Sub: DOS (2950603)04/10/2022Download
Assignment-5Matrix Methods for SA-II (3150614) (BE SEM-530/09/2022Download
B.E. 7th Civil tutorials of 3170618- Design of Steel Structures28/09/2022Download
B.E. 7TH CIVIL -DPCS TUTORIALS28/09/2022Download
PDDC -7th Civil 2970611 Tutorial28/09/2022Download
PDDC 7TH CIVIL RESULT DPCS( 2970611)27/09/2022Download
All Assignments (1 to 5), GE (3130606), BE CIVIL Sem III, (Note: Check and submit the Assignments before the Last date of submission)21/09/2022Download
Result of MST/PAT for PDDC Sem-7th, Sub: ROS (2970602)21/09/2022Download
Syllabus of Geotechnical Engineering (3130606) BE CIVIL Sem III21/09/2022Download
Laboratory Manual of Geotechnical Engineering (3130606) for BE CIVIL Sem III21/09/2022Download
Syllabus of Subject R.O.S. (2970602) MST/PAT PDDC: SEM - 7 (September - 2022)31/03/2025Download
Syllabus of Subject D.O.S. (2950603) MST/PAT PDDC: SEM - 5 (September - 2022)08/09/2022Download
Assignment-3 Slope Deflection Method (Revised)_for SA-II (3150614) (BE SEM-5)29/08/2022Download
PDDC - All Assignments for the subject of R.O.S. (2970602 ) [PDDC: 7Th Semester - Civil]29/08/2022Download
PDDC - All Assignments for the subject of D.O.S. (2950603 ) [PDDC: 5Th Semester - Civil]29/08/2022Download
All_Assignments for the subject of D.O.S. (3150612) [5Th Semester - Civil]08/08/2022Download
Assignment - 1 & 2 for the subject of S.A. - II (3150614) [5Th Semester - Civil]08/08/2022Download
Groups of Design Engineering (3150001 & 3160001) BE SEM 5th & 6th ODD/EVEN 2022-2320/07/2022Download
PDDC CT May-2022 MST Result01/07/2022Download
Schedule of External Viva for DE-II A (Summer 2022- Remedial)20/06/2022Download
PDDC CT All Assignment June 202230/05/2022Download
DRCS(3160612) RMST MAY 2022 Result26/05/2022Download
Result of MST/PAT of Subject S.A. - I (3140603) [B.E. - 4th Semester]13/05/2022Download
Notice for BE Civil Sem-6 External Practical/Viva Schedule for D.E. - II (B) (3160001))13/05/2022Download
Notice for BE Civil Sem-8 External Vival Schedule for Internship (3180601)04/05/2022Download
Summer Internship Notice 2022 for B. E. 6th Sem.30/04/2022Download
Result of MST/PAT of Subject S.A. - I_2940601 [PDDC - 4Th Semester]21/04/2022Download
Syllabus of MST-PAT B.E. - 4th Semester [S.A.-I (3140603)] (Even - 2022)20/04/2022Download
List of Students for Elective EQE (3160621 for EVEN 2022)16/10/2021Download
List of Students for Elective FE (3160616 for EVEN 2022)16/10/2021Download
Syllabus of MST-PAT BE SEM 6th (EVEN March 2022)02/03/2022Download
Result of MST-PAT BE SEM 6th for EQE 3160621 (EVEN-April 2022)04/04/2022Download
Schedule of MST-PAT BE SEM 4th19/04/2022Download
Schedule of RMST-RPAT BE Sem 7th,5th & 3rd (ODD OLd)11/04/2022Download
Schedule of Internal Term Work Submission BE SEM 6th05/04/2022Download
Schedule of MST-PAT PDDC SEM 4th05/04/2022Download
Revised Schedule of RMST-RPAT BE SEM 6th01/04/2022Download
Schedule of MST-PAT BE Sem 6th25/02/2022Download
MST result of Soil Mechanics PDDC SEM 419/04/2022Download
Syllabus of RMST/RPAT for B.E. - 5Th Semester (Civil) - ODD Semester18/04/2022Download
DRCS(3160612) MST April 2022 Result10/04/2022Download
B.E. 6th Sem. Civil Tutorial for 3160612 Design of Reinforced Concrete structures05/04/2022Download
Department Review-1 Result of [3180601] Internship-Major Project for B.E. 8th sem. Civil Engineering05/04/2022Download
Syllabus of MST for PDDC - 4Th Semester (Civil)05/04/2022Download
All Assignments S.A. - I (2940601) for PDDC-4Th Semester (Civil)05/04/2022Download
BE- 6 SEM MID (MST) Result of Foundation Engineering (3160616) 29/03/2022Download
All Assignments S.A. - I (3140603) for BE - 4Th Semester (Civil)08/03/2022Download
Revised list for B. E. 8th Civil student for change in Faculty Mentor Name08/03/2022Download
Revised List of Design Engineering II B (3160001) for BE SEM 6th Groups WEF 16-02-2216/02/2022Download
B.E. 8th Sem. [3180601] Internship/Major Project Guideline01/01/2022Download
B.E. 8th Sem. [3180601] Internship/Major Project Notice01/01/2022Download
B.E. 8TH SEM [2180610] DSS RPAT RESULT December 202116/12/2021Download
Notice for BE 8TH Sem. DSS [2180610] RMST-December-202101/12/2021Download
Notice for DRCS RMST-Nov-202101/12/2021Download
Notice for MOS RMST-Nov-202123/11/2021Download
MOS PAT/MST Result October 202121/10/2021Download
Notice for MOS Assignment Submissions & Syllabus for MST07/10/2021Download
B.E. 7th Civil-DIS-RPAT September-2021 RESULT13/09/2021Download
B.E. 7th Civil-DSS-RPAT September-2021 RESULT08/09/2021Download
Revised List_ABSENT in Term work SA-I_3140603 [B.E. - 4Th Semester Student]07/09/2021Download
Final List_ABSENT in Term work SA-I_3140603 [B.E. - 4Th Semester Student]03/09/2021Download
ALL_Assignment_D.o.S._STEEL PORTION 3150612 with date of Submission [B.E. - 5Th Semester]02/09/2021Download
Final List_ABSENT in Term work SA-I_3140603 [B.E. - 4Th Semester Student]31/08/2021Download
B.E. 7th Civil-DIS- [3170626 ] PAT August-2021 RESULT26/08/2021Download
Notice for RMST & Ineternal Submission of MOS (3130608)25/08/2021Download
All Assignments PDDC SEM 7th (ROS - 2970602)19/08/2021Download
B.E. 7th Civil-DSS-PAT August-2021 RESULT18/08/2021Download
MST/PAT Result of Design of Structures (2950603) [PDDC- 5th Sem Civil]13/08/2021Download
MST/PAT Result of Structural Analysis-II (3150612-Pro Ele-I) [B.E.- 5th Sem Civil] batch 2019-2312/08/2021Download
MST/PAT Result of Design of Structures (3150612) [B.E.- 5th Sem Civil]11/08/2021Download
Result of MST/PAT (2970602-ROS) PDDC 7th SEM11/08/2021Download
Schedule of External Viva Examination OLD Students(BE SEM 5,7) Summer 202102/08/2021Download
Notice for DRCS (2170607) RPAT date03/08/2021Download
Syllabus of MST/PAT BE/PDDC SEM 5,7 (August 2021)02/08/2021Download
Schedule of MST/PAT BE/PDDC SEM 5,7 (August 2021)02/08/2021Download
Webinar on Non-Destructive Testing of Reinforced Concrete Structures on 30 July 202128/07/2021Download
PDDC Sem-2 Concrete Technology (2920604) MST Result26/07/2021Download
Webinar on Dos and Donts in Construction Practice on 20-July-202117/07/2021Download
BE SEM V_Elective-I (SA-II -3150614) ODD 2021 WEF 07-06-2108/07/2021Download
For B. E. 5th and 7th Sem. students05/07/2021Download
List of Groups for Design Engineering II A (3150001) (BE -CIVIL, SEM-5th)28/06/2021Download
Notice for PDDC Sem-2 Assignment Submission Last Date28/06/2021Download
PDDC Sem-2 Concrete Technology Assignment28/06/2021Download
List of Students ABSENT in Term Work Submission of Subject S.A.-I [3140603]25/05/2021Download
Summer Internship Notice for B. E. 6th Sem. Civil Engineering - Revised-224/05/2021Download
B.E. 7TH Sem. Civil RMST Result of Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures (2170607)11/05/2021Download
Summer Internship Notice for B. E. 6th Sem. Civil Engineering - Revised-104/05/2021Download
B.E. 8TH Sem. Civil RMST Result of Design of Steel Structure (2180610)30/04/2021Download
Revised_Schedule of External Practical/viva exam for BE-6th Semester(Civil)29/04/2021Download
Revised_Schedule of External Practical/viva exam for BE-8th Semester(Civil)29/04/2021Download
List of Groups for External Viva Summer 2021 of Design Engineering II A (3160001) (BE -CIVIL, SEM-6th)23/04/2021Download
External Practical/Viva Examination Schedule BE SEM - 6th (Summer 2021)22/04/2021Download
External Practical/Viva Examination Schedule PDDC SEM - 8th (Summer 2021)22/04/2021Download
External Practical/Viva Examination Schedule BE SEM - 8th (Summer 2021)22/04/2021Download
Schedule of term work Submission/Internal (BE & PDDC Sem-4,6,8)15/04/2021Download
B. E. 8th Civil DSS Tutorial 16/04/2021Download
PDDC 8TH Civil SD-2 Tutorial16/04/2021Download
Summer Internship Notice for B. E. 6th Sem. Civil Engineering 16/04/2021Download
Notice for RMST/RPAT (Old- BE & PDDC _ODD Semester 3,5,7) 15/04/2021Download
Result of RMST/RPAT of Subject S.A. - I (3140603) BE - 4th SEM10/04/2021Download
B.E. 8TH Sem. Civil MST Result of Design of Steel Structure (2180610)06/04/2021Download
PDDC-8TH CIVIL SD-2 RESULT03/04/2021Download
Result of MST/PAT of Subject S.A. - I (2940601) PDDC - 4th SEM31/03/2021Download
Result of MST/PAT of Subject S.A. - I (3140603) BE - 4th SEM31/03/2021Download
Details of PDDC Students (OLD) for RMST (Summer-2021)30/03/2021Download
All Assignments S.A. - I (3140603) for BE - 4Th Semester (Civil)20/03/2021Download
Result of MST/PAT (3160621 - EQE - Elective III) BE 6th SEM20/03/2021Download
MST-DRCS (3160612)-B.E SEM.6-March-2021-RESULT_R119/03/2021Download
Result of MST/PAT (X80605 RRS) PDDC 8th SEM19/03/2021Download
All Assignments EQE (3160621) for BE Semester 6th (Civil)19/03/2021Download
Notice Regarding DRCS Assignment Submissions12/03/2021Download
DRCS (3160612) All Assignments 1 to 512/03/2021Download
Syllabus of Mid Semester Evaluation (BE & PDDC SEM 8 & 6) EVEN 202104/03/2021Download
Schedule of MST/PAT (BE & PDDC Sem 8th & 6th) March 202103/03/2021Download
PDDC Sem-1 Assignment Submission Notice23/02/2021Download
PDDC-SEM-1 MOS RMST/RPAT Schedule12/02/2021Download
All Assignments of RRS (X80605) PDDC 8th SEM 12/02/2021Download
PDDC MOS MST/PAT February 2021 Result10/02/2021Download
PDDC MOS Syllabus for MST on 9.2.2106/02/2021Download
Notice for DSS (2180610) RPAT date16/01/2021Download
Notice for ESD (2160607) RMST Students11/01/2021Download
D to D Students MOS MST Result 07/12/2020Download
List of Groups for EXTERNAL VIVA of Design Engineering II A (3150001) (BE -CIVIL, SEM-5th)29/11/2020Download
Mechanics of Solids Syllabus for MST for D to D Students29/11/2020Download
Schedule of MST/PAT for 3rd Sem (D to D Admitted Students only)26/11/2020Download
External Practical/Viva Exam Schedule BE Civil-5th Semester20/11/2020Download
External Practical/Viva Exam Schedule BE Civil-7th Semester20/11/2020Download
List of Groups for Design Engineering II A (3150001) (BE -CIVIL, SEM-5th) (Revised)02/11/2020Download
ALL Assignment of DRCS 2170607 (B.E. 7th Civil )21/10/2020Download
All Assignment DOS-2950603 (PDDC 5th SEM Civil)01/10/2020Download
Online PAT Result of DRCS (2170607) [B.E.- 7th Sem Civil]25/09/2020Download
Assignment for Structural Analysis-II in ILD22/09/2020Download
RMST Time Table (online) For Semester 4,6,8 (EVEN 2020)17/09/2020Download
RMST Time Table (online) For Semester 3,5,7 (ODD 2020-21)17/09/2020Download
MST Result of Design of Structures (3150612) [B.E.- 5th Sem Civil]08/09/2020Download
Mechanics of Solids MST September 2020 Result 07/09/2020Download
Result of EQE (Dept. Elective) - 2170612 {B.E. - 7th Sem_Civil}07/09/2020Download
Result of Design of Structures-2950603 (PDDC - 5th Sem Civil)05/09/2020Download
Result of S.A.-II (Professional Elective) - 3150614 {B.E. - 5Th Sem_Civil}02/09/2020Download
Mechanics of Solids All Assignements26/08/2020Download
Syllabus of Mid Semester Evaluation (BE & PDDC SEM 7,5,3) ODD 202021/08/2020Download
Schedule of Mid Semester Evaluation (BE & PDDC SEM 7,5,3) ODD 2020 21/08/2020Download
Notic for Irregular Students29/07/2020Download
List of Groups for the Subject of Project -1 (2170003) for B.E. 7th Sem .Civil Engineering- Div.-A)14/07/2020Download
Extention-Notice for RMST PDDC-Ist SEM (Mechanical)(X11901- Strength of Materials)14/07/2020Download
Revised Notice for RMST exam for PDDC 1st Sem. - OLD STUDENTS (Civil Engg.)13/07/2020Download
Notice for RMST exam for PDDC 1st Sem. - OLD STUDENTS(Civil Engg.10/07/2020Download
Notice for RMST exam for PDDC 5th Sem. - OLD STUDENTS(Civil Engg.)10/07/2020Download
Notice for Re-Mid Exam of GTU Old Students_REMAINING (PROF PSP)10/07/2020Download
Notice for RMST exam for PDDC 2nd, 3rd and 4th SEM - OLD STUDENTS(Civil Engg.)10/07/2020Download
Notice for RMST PDDC-Ist SEM (Mechanical)(X11901- Strength of Materials)09/07/2020Download
Notice for Re-Mid Exam of GTU Old Students09/07/2020Download
Schedule of External Practical/viva exam for BE-SEM 5,6,7,8 (OLD-Remedial Students)08/07/2020Download
For B.E. 8th Sem. Civil students for DSS viva absent students list21/06/2020Download
Schedule of External Practical/viva exam for PDDC-8th Semester(Civil)13/06/2020Download
Notice for RMST of the Odd Semester of B.E. and P.D.D.C. Civil Engineering11/06/2020Download
Notice for B.E. 8th Sem. Civil for online submission.06/06/2020Download
Schedule of External Practical/viva exam for BE-6th Semester(Civil)01/06/2020Download
Schedule of External Practical/viva exam for BE-8th Semester(Civil)04/06/2020Download
PDDC-MST-Concrete Technology (2920604) Result04/06/2020Download
Result of RMST for SD-1 X60604 (PDDC - 6th Semester- Civil)05/06/2020Download
Notice RMST PDDC Semseter (2,4,6,8)30/05/2020Download
Notice RMST BE Semseter (4,6,8)30/05/2020Download
Notice for B.E. and PDDC students of Civil Engineering about Re-mid viva and submission30/05/2020Download
Result of PAT OF of DSS(2180610) [B.E 8TH SEM. Civil]12/04/2020Download
Notice for Examination Instruction11/04/2020Download
Result of MST of SD-1 (X60604) [PDDC 6TH SEM. Civil]11/04/2020Download
Assignments for B.E. 8th Sem Civil [2180610-DSS] 06/04/2020Download
Assignments of Unit - 4_Structural Analysis-1 [3140603] (4TH Sem Civil Engineering)_06-04-202006/04/2020Download
IMPORTANT: Circular @ online platform to maintain he continuity of Teaching Learning Process19/03/2020Download
Result of PAT for the Subject of FE (2180609) [B.E. - 8TH SEM]17/03/2020Download
Result of MST for the Subject of SA-I (2940601) [4TH SEM. PDDC]16/03/2020Download
Result of MST for the subject of SA-I (3140603) [$th SEM. CIVIL)16/03/2020Download
All Assignments of ESD (2160607) (RCC Portion) for 6th Sem Civil Students01/01/2020Download
Assignments of FE (2180609) for 8th Sem Civil Students12/03/2020Download
Result of MST/PAT for ESD- 2160607 (BE - 6th Semester-Civil) 12/03/2020Download
Result of MST/PAT for RRS- X80605 (PDDC - 8th Semester) 11/03/2020Download
Revised RMST Time Table for (BE & PDDC-3,5,7 Semester - Civil)09/03/2020Download
PDDC SD-II MST RESULT MARCH 202006/03/2020Download
PDDC-SE Sem-4th Syllabus for MST/PAT29/02/2020Download
PDDC-SD-II Syllabus for MST/PAT29/02/2020Download
Active Learning Assignment (PPT) FE ( 2180609) for 8TH Sem. Civil27/02/2020Download
All assignments of CT For PDDC 2nd SEM27/02/2020Download
MST/PAT Time Table for BE/PDDC (4th,6th and 8th Semester Civil)26/02/2020Download
Active Learning Assignment (PPT) SA - 1 ( 3140603) for 4TH Sem. Civil26/02/2020Download
Syllabus of MST Structural Analysis - 1 [B.E. & PDDC - 4th Sem.]25/02/2020Download
Syllabus of MST for the subject of SD-1 (X60604) PDDC 6th Sem Civil Students24/02/2020Download
Syllabus of PAT for the subject of DSS (2180610) B.E. 8th Sem Civil Students24/02/2020Download
PDDC SD-II Assignments20/02/2020Download
Syllabus of PAT for the subject of SE (2940605) PDDC 4th Sem Civil Students19/02/2020Download
Syllabus of PAT for the FE (2180609) 8th Sem Civil Students19/02/2020Download
Syllabus of MST for the subject of RRS(X80605) PDDC 8th Sem Civil Students19/02/2020Download
Syllabus of MST for the ESD(2160607) 6th Sem Civil Students19/02/2020Download
Assignments of Unit - 3 Structural Analysis-1 [3140603] for 4th Sem Civil Students18/02/2020Download
Active Learning Assignment (PPT) ESD (2160607) for 6th Sem Civil Students17/01/2020Download
All Assignments of FE (2180609) for 8th Sem Civil Students10/02/2020Download
All Assignments of ESD (2160607) (Steel Structure) for 6th Sem Civil Students29/01/2020Download
All Assignments of RRS (X80605) for PDDC 8th Sem Civil Students17/01/2020Download
Alternate Classroom Arrangement for Semester 4,6 & 8 due to GTU Exam 31/12/2019Download
Assignments of Unit - 1_2_Structural Analysis-1 [3140603] (4TH Sem Civil Engineering)_01-01-202001/01/2020Download
External Practical Exam Schedule for Design Engineering (3,4,5,6 Semester) (06/12/2019Download
RMST/RPAT Time Table for PDDC - 1ST and 2ND Semester (OLD & New)27/11/2019Download
MST/PAT Time Table PDDC - FIRST Semester27/11/2019Download
Active Learning Assignment (PPT) for the Subject of D.M. {2150003 (5TH Sem)}28/08/2019Download
Active Learning Assignment (PPT) for the Subject of S. A. - II {2150608 (5TH Sem)}26/08/2019Download
MST/PAT Syllabus for {B.E. 3rd, 5th, 7th{ and PDDC {3rd , 6th Sem.}19/08/2019Download
Assignments of Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures [7th Sem Students]16/08/2019Download
All Assignments of Subject G.T. (3130606) [3RD Sem Students]-03-08-201903/08/2019Download
All Assignments of Subject MOS (3130608) [3RD Sem Students]-22-07-201922/07/2019Download
Circular for Design Engineering 2019 odd term20/07/2019Download
NOTICE: Collection of Mark-sheet/Provisional Certificate20/07/2019Download
List of Groups for the Subject of Project (2150001) (5th Sem Civil Engineering)16/07/2019Download
Formation of Groups for the Subject of Design Engineering (2150001) (5th Sem Civil Engineering)10/07/2019Download
Laboratory Manual for the subject of MOS [3130608] {3RD Sem. Civil Student}04/07/2019Download
List of Groups for the Subject of Project (2170001) (7th Sem Civil Engineering)03/07/2019Download
All Assignments of Subject SA-II (2150608) [5TH Sem Students]-03-07-201903/07/2019Download
Project group formation for 7th semester - A division Civil24/06/2019Download
Online marks entry for Mid –Semester, Internal Evaluation and Viva in BE, PDDC for all semester SU14/05/2019Download
Schedule of Term work Submission for Semester 2 (PDDC- Civil )13/05/2019Download
Schedule of RMST Exam for Semester 2 PDDC)13/05/2019Download
Result of MST for the subject of Concrete Technology (2920604) [PDDC 2ND SEM - CIVIL]02/05/2019Download
List of Design Engineering (II B) Groups for BE 6th Sem External Viva18/04/2019Download
Revised Schedule of External Examination Design Engineering II A & B (BE Civil 6th & 5th Semester)18/04/2019Download
Schedule of BE NEW OLD (5th, 7th, 8th Semester) External Practical Exam Summer - 201912/04/2019Download
Schedule of PDDC 8th External Practical Exam Summer - 201912/04/2019Download
Schedule of BE 8th Semester External Practical Exam Summer - 201912/04/2019Download
Schedule of BE 6th Semester External Practical Exam Summer - 201912/04/2019Download
Result of MST for the subject of Concrete Technology (2140608) [BE 4TH SEM - CIVIL]09/04/2019Download
Syllabus of MST/PAT for CT April-2019 for 2nd Sem PDDC Civil Engineering08/04/2019Download
Result of MST for the subject of Soil Engineering [PDDC 4TH SEM - CIVIL]08/04/2019Download
Result of MST for the subject of Foundation Engineering [BE 8TH SEM - CIVIL]08/04/2019Download
Result of MST for the subject of Concrete Technology (X40602) [4TH SEM PDDC - CIVIL]05/04/2019Download
MST Time table for PDDC 2nd SEM Civil05/04/2019Download
Result of MST for the subject of DSS (2180610) [BE 8TH SEM - CIVIL]05/04/2019Download
Schedule of Submission for BE & PDDC 4,6 & 8 Semester05/04/2019Download
Result of RMST for the subject of EQE (X50602) [5TH SEM PDDC - CIVIL]04/04/2019Download
Revised Result of MST for the subject of SD-I (X60604) [6TH SEM PDDC - CIVIL]04/04/2019Download
Result of MST for the subject of SA-I (2140603) [BE 4TH SEM - CIVIL]04/04/2019Download
Result of MST for the subject of SD-II (X80602) [8TH SEM PDDC - CIVIL]03/04/2019Download
Result of MST for the subject of RRS (X80605) [8TH SEM PDDC - CIVIL]03/04/2019Download
Result of MST for the subject of ESD (2160607) [6TH SEM - CIVIL]02/04/2019Download
Schedule of RMST Exam for Semester 4,6 & 8 (B.E & PDDC)02/04/2019Download
All Assignments of Disaster Management (2140608) for PDDC 2ND Semester Civil Student02/04/2019Download
All Assignments of CT for PDDC 4TH Semester Civil Students27/03/2019Download
All Assignments of CT (2920604) for PDDC 2ND Semester Civil Students27/03/2019Download
Syllabus of RMST/RPAT for MOS April-2019 for BE (Civil, Mechanical & Production Engineering Departme25/03/2019Download
Syllabus of RMST/RPAT April-2019 for PDDC (ODD Semester)25/03/2019Download
Syllabus of RMST/RPAT April-2019 for BE (ODD Semester)25/03/2019Download
Syllabus of MSTPAT MarchApril-2019 for BEPDDC (4th,6th & 8th Semester)22/03/2019Download
Revised MST Exam Time Table for Semester 4,6 & 8 (B.E & PDDC)22/03/2019Download
Active Learning Assignment( ALA) for the subject of DSS (2180610) [8TH Semester Civil]12/03/2019Download
All Assisgnments of SD-II (X80602) for PDDC 8th Semester Civil Students 12/03/2019Download
All Assisgnments of RRS (X80605) for PDDC 8th Semester Civil Students 12/03/2019Download
Assignments of Design of Steel Structures (2180610) for BE 8th Semester Civil Students02/03/2019Download
Active Learning Assignment( ALA) for the subject of Con. Tech. (2140608) [4TH Semester Civil]26/02/2019Download
All Assignments of ESD - STEEL PORTION (2160607) [6TH Semester - Civil]26/02/2019Download
Active Learning Assignment( ALA) for the subject of FE (2180609) [8TH Semester Civil]21/02/2019Download
Assignments of Concrete Technology (2140608) 4th Sem Students19/02/2019Download
Assignments of Foundation Engineering (2180609) 8th Sem Students19/02/2019Download
Active Learning Assignment( ALA) for the subject ofESD (2160607) [6TH Semester Civil]18/01/2019Download
Active Learning Assignment( ALA) for the subject of SA - I (2140603) [4TH Semester Civil]18/01/2019Download
Academic Calender EVEN :2018 - 201917/12/2018Download
All Assignments of ESD - RCC PORTION (2160607) [6TH Semester - Civil]07/01/2019Download
All Assignments of Structural Analysis - I (2140603) [4TH Semester - Civil]07/01/2019Download
All Class Time Table of Even Semester 2018 - 19 [PDDC - Civil]20/12/2018Download
Schedule of Term Work Submission FIRST SEM PDDC - MOS19/12/2018Download
All Assignments of MOS [2910601] - 1St Semester PDDC Civil Engineering12/12/2018Download
Schedule RMST/RPAT for PDDC [1st Sem. Civil Students]12/12/2018Download
Schedule & Syllabus of MST/PAT for PDDC [1st Sem. Civil Students]27/11/2018Download
Schedule of MST/PAT for PDDC [1st Sem. Civil Students]27/11/2018Download
Schedule of Practical Exam of DE- II (A) & (B)_Winter - 2018 [Civil Engg.]19/10/2018Download
Result of MST/PAT for the subject of MOS (21300003) [3RD Sem. Civil- D2D]19/10/2018Download
Result of MST for the subject of EQE (2170612) [7TH SEM - CIVIL]19/10/2018Download
Schedule of External Practical exam_Winter - 2018 [5TH To 8TH - Old & Even Sem.]11/10/2018Download
Result of MST for the subject of DRCS (21770607) [7TH SEM - CIVIL]11/10/2018Download
Result of MST/PAT for the subject of GTAG (2130606) [3RD Sem. Civil- D2D]11/10/2018Download
Result of MST/PAT for the subject of MOS (2130003) [3RD Sem. Mechanical - D2D]11/10/2018Download
Tutorial for Soil Mechanics (2150609) for 5TH sem Students27/09/2018Download
Active Learning Assignments of Disaster Management (2150003) for [5th Sem. Civil Students]27/09/2018Download
Celebration of Yuva Matdar Mahostav-2018 (Poster Presentation Competition)31/03/2025Download
MST/PAT Result of Subject MOS (2130003) [3RD Sem. - CIVIL Only]20/09/2018Download
Assignment - 5 for the subject of Disaster Management (2150003) [5th Sem.]18/09/2018Download
MST Result for the subject of Foundation Engineering (X50603) [PDDC-5th Sem.]18/09/2018Download
MST Result for the subject of SA-II (2150608] [5th Sem.]17/09/2018Download
Result of MST for the subject of Earthquake Engineering BE 7th Semester Students17/09/2018Download
MST Result for the subject of Disaster Management (2150003) [5th Sem.]17/09/2018Download
Result of MST for the subject of Earthquake Engineering PDDC 5th Semester Students15/09/2018Download
MST/PAT Result of Subject MOS (2130003) [3RD Sem. - Production Only]15/09/2018Download
MST/PAT Result of Subject MOS (2130003) [3RD Sem. - Mechanical Only]15/09/2018Download
Assignment-5& 6 of EQE (Remaining) for 7th semester civil Students15/09/2018Download
Submission Schedule ODD Semester - 2018 [BE and PDDC]12/09/2018Download
Schedule of RMST for BE & PDDC [MST for D2D only 3RD Sem. Students]12/09/2018Download
Schedule & Syllabus of RMST for Strength of Materials (X11901, PDDC-Mechanical)12/09/2018Download
Schedule & Syllabus of RMST for EVEN Sem. Subjects (PDDC - Civil)12/09/2018Download
Schedule & Syllabus of RMST for EVEN Sem. Subjects (OLD/NEW - BE_Civil)12/09/2018Download
Assignment - 5 MOS (2130003) for 3RD Sem.-CIVIL ONLY.12/09/2018Download
Assignments - 3&4 -MOS (2130003) for 3RD Sem.-CIVIL ONLY.12/09/2018Download
Assignments - 5&6 -MOS (2130003) for 3RD Sem.-Mechanical & Production Stdent.11/09/2018Download
MST/PAT Result of Subject GTAG (2130606) [3RD Sem. BE -Civil]11/09/2018Download
Active Learning Assignments of MOS (2130003 ) for [3RD Sem. Production Students]11/09/2018Download
Active Learning Assignments of MOS (2130003 ) for [3RD Sem. Mechanical Students]11/09/2018Download
Active Learning Assignments of MOS (2130003 ) for [3RD Sem. Civil Students]11/09/2018Download
Assignments - 3 & 4 OF DISASTER MANAGEMENT (2150003) for 5TH Sem Civil Students11/09/2018Download
MST/PAT Result of Subject SA - II (X30603) [3RD Sem. PDDC -Civil]11/09/2018Download
Assignments - 5 To 8 OF GTAG (2130606) for 3RD Semester Civil Students06/09/2018Download
Assignments - 3 & 4 OF GTAG (2130606) for 3RD Semester Civil Students05/09/2018Download
Assignments - 1 & 2 OF GTAG (2130606) for 3RD Semester Civil Students04/09/2018Download
Active Learning Assignments of GTAG (2130606 ) for [3RD Sem. Civil Students]01/09/2018Download
Active Learning Assignments of S.A. - II (2150608) for [5th Sem. Civil Students]01/09/2018Download
All Assisgnments of Earthquake Engineering (X50602) for PDDC 5th Semester Civil Students 31/08/2018Download
Submission of Active learning Assisgnment(PPT) of EQE for 7th semester civil students31/08/2018Download
Submission of Active learning Assisgnment(PPT) of DRCS for 7th semester civil students31/08/2018Download
Syllabus of MST/PAT August-2018 for BE/PDDC (3rd,5th & 7th Semester)16/08/2018Download
Assignment of Disaster Management (5th Semester Students)10/08/2018Download
Assignment of SA - II [X30603] (PDDC 3RD Semester Students Only)09/08/2018Download
Assignments of MOS for Progressive Assessment [Production Students Only]02/08/2018Download
Assignments of Earthquake Engineering for Progressive Assessment [Civil Students Only]04/08/2018Download
Assignments of MOS for Progressive Assessment [Mechanical Students Only]04/08/2018Download
Assignments of MOS for Progressive Assessment [Civil Students Only]02/08/2018Download
Assignments of SA- II for Progressive Assessment02/08/2018Download
Assignment for the subject of DRCS [7TH Semester Students]26/07/2018Download
IMPORTANT NOTICE: - Scheme of Progressive Assessment for Students of Civil25/07/2018Download
Manual of Mechanics of Solids [2130003]10/07/2018Download
Design Engineering -II (A) Group list (5Th Semester Students)13/07/2018Download
Project Group (A - Division only)26/06/2018Download
Schedule of External Practical Exam of DE II(B)[6th Sem Civil] 29/05/2018Download
Schedule of External Practical Exam for SIXTH Semester Civil Students08/05/2018Download
Schedule of External Practical Exam for EIGHT Semester Civil Students08/05/2018Download
Result of RMST for the Subject of Earthquake Engineering - X50602 [5Th - PDDC]23/04/2018Download
Result of RMST for the Subject of Earthquake Engineering - X50602 [5Th - PDDC]23/04/2018Download
Result of RMST for the Subject of DRCS-2170607 [7TH Sem(Odd Sem.)]23/04/2018Download
Result of RMST for the Subject of 2180610 - D.S.S. [8TH Sem ]23/04/2018Download
Result of MST for the Subject of Structural Design - II (X80602) [8TH Sem - PDDC]17/04/2018Download
Active Learning Assignment (PPT) for the Subject of DSS (2180610) (8Th Sem.)11/04/2018Download
Result of MST for the Subject of Concrete Technology (2140608) [4th Sem]11/04/2018Download
Result of MST for the Subject of DSS (2180610) [8TH Sem]10/04/2018Download
Important Notice :Project Exhibition (8th Sem)07/04/2018Download
Result of MST for the Subject of Foundation Engg. (2180609) [8th Sem]07/04/2018Download
Assignment for the subject of Soil Engg. (X40603) [PDDC - 4th Sem.]05/04/2018Download
Schedule of Term Work Submission for all Semester [B.E. & PDDC]05/04/2018Download
Result of MST for the Subject of SA-I (2140603) [Forth Sem]04/04/2018Download
Result of MST for the Subject of S.D.-I (X60604) [PDDC - Sixth Sem.]02/04/2018Download
Result of MST for the Subject of Soil Engg. (X40603) [PDDC - Forth Sem.]02/04/2018Download
Result of MST for the Subject of ESD (2160607) [Sixth Semester]02/04/2018Download
Schedule of RMST/RPAT for ODD Semester Subjects [April - 2018]31/03/2018Download
Schedule of RMST/RPAT for PDDC [April - 2018]31/03/2018Download
Schedule of RMST/RPAT for BE April - 201831/03/2018Download
Result of MST for PDDC SECOND SEM. SA - I (X20603)26/03/2018Download
Revised Syllabus of Foundation Engg. (2180609)[8Th Sem.]16/03/2018Download
Active Learning Assignment (PPT) for the Subject of Concrete Tech.-2140608 (4Th Sem.)09/03/2018Download
Active Learning Assignment (PPT) for the Subject of Foundation Engineering (2180609) (8TH Sem09/03/2018Download
REVISED Schedule of MST/PAT for EIGHT SEm PDDC ONLY09/03/2018Download
Syllabus of MST/PAT for BE & PDDC (4th, 6th & 8th semesters)08/03/2018Download
Schedule of MST/PAT for BE & PDDC (4th, 6th & 8th semesters)07/03/2018Download
Tutorial of Foundation Engineering (2180609) [B.E. 8th Semester Civil Engg.]06/03/2018Download
Tutorial of Concrete Technology (2140608) [B.E. 4th Semester Civil Engg.]06/03/2018Download
Tutorial for the subject of Design of Steel Structures (2180610) [B.E.-8th Sem.]20/02/2018Download
Active Learning Assignment (PPT) for the Subject of S. A. - I (2140603) (4TH Sem Students)07/02/2018Download
Distribution of Certificate for Bridge Course (2016 - Entry only) 05/02/2018Download
Assignment for the subject of ESD (2160607) [STEEL PORTION - 6Th Semester]01/02/2018Download
Active Learning Assignment (PPT) for the Subject of Elementary Structural Design - 2160607 (6TH Sem 29/01/2018Download
IMPORTANT NOTICE @ Progressive Assessment (PA) for the AY 2018-1926/12/2017Download
Assignment: Structural Design - I (X60604)[6TH Sem. PDDC Students]09/01/2018Download
Assignment for the subject of Structural Analysis - I [Only Four Chapters - 4Th Semester Students]29/12/2017Download
Academic Calendar 2017-2018 [EVEN Term] announced by Gujarat Technological University, Ahmedabad17/11/2017Download
Assignment for the subject of Elementary Structural Design [R.C.C. PORTION - 6Th Semester Students]29/12/2017Download
Schedule of Portal for Design Engineering [4th-6th SEMESTER STUDENT] AY 2017-1808/01/2018Download
Shantilal Shah Engineering College, Sidsar Campus, Bhavnagar