Notices from Information Technology

Mid Semester Thesis Progress Review Presentation Exam Schedule27/03/2024Download
Internal Review 2 Presentation Exam Schedule27/03/2024Download
Older Students who are eligible for IR-1 & IR-2 for PG program are requested to contact Prof. B K Borisaniya & Prof. N S Sanghani on or before 29/3/2026/03/2024Download
Departmental visit at Dholera Sir for the Inauguration Program of Tata Semiconductor Plant13/03/2024Download
Departmental Student Leader Details01/01/2024Download
Departmental Lab In charge Details01/06/2023Download
Departmental Portfolio Order 2023-2401/06/2023Download
ME Sem 1 Class Timetable 2022 01/09/2022Download
External Viva Schedule Winter 2021 6th Semester Remedial04/10/2021Download
External Viva Schedule Winter 2021 7th Semester04/10/2021Download
External Viva Schedule Winter 2021 5th Semester Student04/10/2021Download
RMST, Internal Submission and External Viva of Remedial BE Semester (Sem 1 to 8) and ME Semester (Sem 1 to 4) Students - September 202117/09/2021Download
Online Internal/External Viva, RMST and Submission of Remedial Semester (Sem 1 to 8 for BE & Sem 1 to 4 for ME) Students - March 202124/03/2021Download
RMST / RPAT Schedule - October 2020 (Examination will be taken online, to appear in Examination contact your subject faculty)25/09/2020Download
Fill up the details of your backlogs in Mid Semester Exam, Submission and External Viva Examinations before 30/09/202017/09/2020Download
External Viva, RMST and Internal Submission for Remedial Students M.E. Semetser 1 To 401/09/2020Download
MST Syllabus March-2020 25/03/2020Download
MST Schedule March-2020 24/02/2020Download
RPAT Schedule for 3rd Semester (D2D and Regular Student) 09/10/2019Download
RMST Schedule September 201913/09/2019Download
Report of One Day Workshop on "Startup, Entrepreneurship and IPR Awareness" 08/08/2019Download
List of Projects for SSIP Proposal (A.Y. 2018-2019)10/07/2018Download
Shantilal Shah Engineering College, Sidsar Campus, Bhavnagar